Tuesday, December 11, 2007

to the people who have played truant on the 2nd TOC training (the people ought to know who they are):

lets see why it is not a good idea to skip trainings for no rhyme or reason.

  1. the time of the planning committee will be wasted entirely. just imagine you are of the organisers and none of the people turn up for your event.
  2. when you discontinue a training, your attitude towards the training deteriorates. you will feel even less willing to turn up for future events because your level of pessimism increases.
i know you have not expected to sustain from minor injuries (e.g. blisters, etc); thus when you experience this yourself, you feel that it is not worth your time attending it since it has negative effects on your body. you have to understand that it is normal to experience such effects because for many of you, it is your first time performing such tough regimes. i can assure you that as time pass by, you will grow physically and mentally stronger and experience less injuries.

it is also expected that some of you dislike the way the trainers act because it appears that they are not doing as much as you all and may appear to be sarcastic in their words. but may i remind you that the roles of trainers and trainees are entirely different. surely you won't expect a teacher to do homework like a student does, am i right? the same analogy goes for the above example. if the trainers were to undego similiar regimes, the purpose of the training is defeated. they are there to supervise your trainings and ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly for the best outcomes. do remember that they have once gone through such phase and have come thus far.

perhaps, you may explain that you have already lost the passion in SJAB. well, the decision lies in you whether if you believe that your stay here will be worthwhile. it beats no point to tell you the benefits or perhaps rationale unless you have the heart to accept it.

rest well and may you be there the following training.

Yong Yue

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